An often shared “rule of thumb” in widowhood is don’t make any major decisions for a year. This is prudent, trite advice and not always practical.
It saddens me to say, you are facing one of life’s most stressful experiences. I get it: I am a widow. My husband passed in 2014. Life keeps moving on, and as much as I wished for life to be a vacuum for that one year, and I wish that for you too, it most likely will not be. I am here to professionally help you through your time of uncertainty. I am willing to listen and apply conservative and consistent principles of money management while you grieve and grow. I will help you through not just one year, but help you plan for your future as you discover and rediscover new outlooks and paths for your future.
There are items in closing an estate that must be attended to now, and there are also some that can wait for later. Please contact me for a simple now and later check list.
I encourage you to take time to give yourself space to deal with the natural and often labeled “negative” emotions. Be mindful of help. People with the best intentions for your emotional support and financial support may not give the best advice available for you. You need to confer with trusted experts like myself to help you through this period of your life. It is a good time to be still in your purchases, if you can. I will help you get your finances in order which will make life easier for you.